بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
السلام عليكم
Paste dari my Baby Gaga
Week 37:I can see the finish line!
Fetal development in pregnancy week 37
19 in | 48 cm
19 in | 48 cm
6.3 lbs | 2.8 kg
6.3 lbs | 2.8 kg
If you haven't yet delivered, you've reached the calm before the storm. You're probably monitoring your body for those first Early Labor symptoms and wondering what you've forgotten.
Your smooshed-up baby is weighing in at around 6.3 lbs and 19 inches (with boys somewhat heavier and longer than girls).
As far as their internal organs go, your adorable poop and blood factory has reached "term" - a medical term that means your sweet little bun is birth-ready and labor is welcome and normal at this point.
Despite being physically ready to land on planet Earth, your baby's immune system is quite weak and will continue to be that way for their first years of life.
Thankfully, your breast milk (aka "boob medicine") protects your child via protective antibodies that are present in your breast milk.
Alhamdulillah.... Harapan mummy Haza harap2 semuanye di permudahkan oleh NYA... amin...

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Thanks kerna sudi comment. Love uolss :)